Experience the magical world of Hayao Miyazaki's Howl's Moving Castle with this special 208-piece jigsaw. With an excitingly intricate design featuring the iconic castle, this puzzle is perfect for fans of the movie or jigsaw enthusiasts looking for a challenge.
- Art Crystal Puzzles featuring Howl's castle movie characters
- 208 Plastic pieces for stained glass window effect
- Size: 18 x 25.7cm (7.2 x 10.1")
Step | Standard International | Express International |
Order Completion / Shipping | Within 72 hours | Within 72 hours |
International Delivery | 2–4 days | 1–3 days |
Customs Clearance | 1–3 days | 0.5–2 days |
Domestic Delivery | 2–4 days | 1.5–2 days |
Total Delivery Time | 8–14 days | 5–9 days |